Written by Marilyn Cotrich Vol January 2020
See original article here
There is no better time than now for the need to increase education and transparency in the waste and recycling industry. Lady Green Recycling, a waste hauler from Miami, FL, is expanding their education programs by launching an App and a recycling activity toolkit book in January 2020.
Amongst several functions, the App shows waste diversion metrics and also has a Sorting game to teach users how to recycle properly through gamification. Floridians generate 10lbs. of garbage per day on average, twice the national rate. Since 2010 Michelle Salas, President of Lady Green Recycling, has been out to reduce that and the high contamination rates.
Michelle’s focus on education, innovation and community engagement has contributed to the city’s environmental advocacy efforts. She volunteers her time to educate businesses and schools on recycling and, most recently has been focusing on innovation solutions through digital-based learning. In addition, Lady Green’s Recycling Toolkit book for kids contains activity games on recycling and sorting habits. The Toolkit includes The Better Choices Game, which encourages kids to make better choices around waste and consumption, such as discerning which type of bag to use, plastic or reusable.
Lady Green is also making an impact by hosting an annual Bin Decorating Contest which has gained a lot of popularity and interest within the school community. Michelle is also publishing a children’s book titled The Lady Green Club to inspire young children and relay the message through storytelling, that anything is possible.
By challenging the status quo around waste management and the city’s engagement with the problem, the grassroots company is not only pioneering innovation through technology and education, the company offers customizable waste and recycling pickup services to more than 1,000 locations in Miami, with currently two locations and five service trucks.
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